Build Lighthouses

The Futurists is a consulting company dedicated to the practice of generative futurism.  We help organizations envision the future and build lighthouses to envision the future for both longterm and near term success.  We help to develop strategy, capacity and processes that consistently deliver on vision regardless of market, environmental and geopolitical disruptions.  We build longterm value for our clients and the world.

Generate a Thriving Future

Future success must be built into today's strategy.

Future Fit

There are two kinds of future fitness you will want to attend to; longterm vision and disruption vulnerability. We can help you analyze your future fitness, looking at 5, 10 and 25 year horizons, your strategic capacity and your resilience in times of disruption. It’s time to future proof your organization.


Generate a Future

We help you unlock the capacity to see the future of your organization including longterm vision, strategy and planning for impact, present and future disruptors, resiliency, and organizational capacity.  Our flagship workshop event is a multi stakeholder Future Search.


Longterm Vision & Strategy

We consult on and facilitate the generation of longterm vision and strategy for organizations. From that vision, we use backcasting to generate milestones.  Then we help you develop near term strategy to reach your vision.  We focus on right size steps, processes and capacity to deliver results. 



See Over the Horizon

In the next 25 years organizations will see more disruption and more innovation than we have experienced in the past two centuries.  Organizations who can see over the horizon at what is coming, can envision future scenarios, will not be caught flat footed by the frequent global level threats, or by the rapid leaps in innovation that are exponentially occurring.  

We are experts in future trends and scenario planning .  Let us be your guides as you invent and realize the future.

We Are Pathfinders

While the future is a mystery, how to get there is not.


We help you expand your organizational capacity to achieve critical results. Bring us in to help chart a new course and galvanize people to achieve a bold future.


Our facilitators support leadership and strategy meetings, off-sites, and workshops. We also design and facilitate multi stakeholder visioning workshops


We will support you in your journey to lead your organization into the future. We focus on clearing obstacles and focusing impact and leading breakthrough results.

Chart the Intersection

There is a dynamic tension between longterm and near term strategy.  “How can we work on our longterm goals when we are working flat out to hit our near term targets?” Given the traditional structure of most organizations this can be a major stumbling block. You will need to grow team, competency and processes to work in both realms.  We have helped many startups, Fortune 500s, and non-profits to develop the ability to succeed in both the longterm and near term.

Partnering for the Future

Connect with us about your future

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Social Impact Pledge

The Futurists donates 10% of profits to The Generative Future’s Initiative, a non profit organization dedicated to sharing and using generative futurism to benfifit the common good and bring about thriving for all life.